Following our promotion to the top flight and a small budget of €250,000 we had to be smart about our recruitment. We were looking for options in depth to back up the newly promoted side. Our main target was a Right Winger for the starting XI then depth in Goal, Centre back, Upfront and across the midfield.

Wozniak came in as a back up goal keeper on a free, He made 7 appearances in the top flight last season and was happy with a backup squad status.

Stepinski also joins on a free with a back up squad status. Experienced player with top flight football last season and can cover in the DM slot if we’re desperate.

Kowalski joins as a back up on loan with an option to buy. The scouts liked his potential and his youth scoring record appealed. (Sadly he would go on to be out injured for 9 months)

My main target was a right winger and my scouts kept highlighting Rouai, I was slightly concerned by his lack of gametime last season but he was signed for €450,000 last summer. Sometimes moves don’t work. I’ll trust the scouts and the DOF got him for half the fee and we welcome him to the club.

I wanted someone to cover the AM slot and Meerveld was found by my scouts as someone who was available on loan so hopefully he can offer us some depth.

Following the injury to Kowalski we needed another ST and fast. Up pops Polish 34 year old striker Parzyszek. An emergency loan and hopefully he will help cover the front line.

Late in the window and after a slow start we looked weak in the LW and CM options so we set about looking for options there and two were brought to my attention and deals concluded. First up was Dikos signed from another top flight club looking for first team football.

Next in was Saranic, His traits looked really interesting and I felt like I could do a lot with a player like him.

The first half of the season didn’t go very well. Only 4 wins in 19 and we were in a relegation fight. A lot of the games were close fought affairs so I felt a few minor tweaks and we could turn it around.

Winter IN

I felt we needed an upgrade at Right back and another ST cover option going into the window.

We had been following Uchino for a while and his 8 assists from right back stood out for me.

Prokopchuk was highlighted by the scouts as a potential option to bring in on loan.

The second half of the season we managed to turn a few draws into wins, winning 8 of the 15 games.

In the end we finished 8 points clear of relegation and it looked like a great season. I’m happy with how it turnt out.

Player performance


Dziekonski performed well and finished with an average rating of 6.84. Wozniak had to cover 4 games and didn’t disgrace himself.


Our defence was actually really strong this season and was the difference in a lot of games, We lacked attacking returns but we struggled to score anyway.


Krawczun and Saranic performed well and big summer signing Rouai returned 6 goals and 4 assists.


Turski lead the line with 9 goals but Parzyszek was awful not a single goal in 21 appearances.

It’s hard to be harsh with a newly promoted side as they got the job done. Overall a successful season and another step forward for the club/


New Job

My fourth Job on the Journeyman save I wanted a club which was obviously a step up in stature and potential. During the final few weeks of the season I kept my eye on the sackings and two caught my eye. VFL Bochum and Holstein Kiel both in Germany in the 2.Bundesliga. I was offered both jobs but Bochum seemed to give me more of a challenge (more on that in the next post).

So we’re off to Germany our fourth country so far this save, come back next time its an exciting time.


  • Daniel Gear

    Dan Gear is a vibrant member of the Football Manager (FM) community, renowned for his engaging content and insightful tutorials. He illuminates complex FM concepts on "View From The Touchline" and shares engaging narratives through his unique European Journeyman save reveals. Dan's collaborative spirit shines in partnerships with fellow creators like FM Stag, unraveling new FM features. He's a co-host of the engaging "Grass N Gear" podcast, making the FM experience more enjoyable for many. With a blend of humor, expertise, and a knack for community engagement, Dan Gear's contributions significantly enrich the Football Manager community, making him a cherished figure among enthusiasts.

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