Guys, I’ve fucked up!

Well maybe fucked up is abit extreme but everything didn’t go to plan.

Regrets I’ve got a few,

Season 2 went brilliantly, a 2nd place finish one point behind Galatasaray. Going into the final day we were still in the race, hell with 5 games to go it was in our hands, you could say we bottled it but I prefer to say we overachieved.



Last seasons recruitment paid off Sinan, Ghaibe and Minamino were sensational  Al-Oubd was ok, didn’t score the goals I wanted but others did. Mensah was the star of the show, I managed to re sign him on deadline day and what a difference he made. Top scorer from the box to box midfield role. He had an £8m release clause so I feared I was going to lose him in the summer but I didn’t and managed to get him to increase it to £9m.



So a second place finish saw us qualify for the Champions leave playoffs, easy I thought we would win that and be in the group stages.

This is where it started to go wrong.

Because of my assumption or blind faith I decided to invest abit more money into the squad as I thought the champions league riches would cover it easily

Firstly we signed Bruma for £2.6m but high wages double our current top earner



He was followed by the Free signing of Arda Turan again for bigger wages.



Next in was Ali Adnan which was actually a sensible deal. £3.1m fee and sensible wages



We then brought Trezguet back to the club from the first season last time we were quoted £11m now it’s £1.6m



Ludovic Bias then followed for £2m



Then Eren on a free.



£10m in fees and £172,750per week increase in wages.

Then disaster struck!!!

we failed to overcome Sporting Lisbon In the playoffs! All the riches of the Champions League vanished before our eyes.

First thing was trying to recurpate some of the money we spent. We had £6m from Pavelka in January and then sold Al-Oubd for £4.3m and a few fringe players which all but covers our transfer expenditure so it was just the extra £172,750pw in wages now.



So ive decided to take the Europa League seriously this season, last year we played the kids but this season we now have strength in depth to field a strong team. We have a group I feel we can get out of into the knockout stages. So hopefully we can get some extra revenue that way.

Europa League Group


We made one final signing on deadline day and it’s one I’m excited about for just £375k a replacement for Al-Oubd.



We have cover in every position now and have loaned youngsters out for first team football





Going forward I’ve got high hopes for a few youngsters so next season I want to bring them through, I’m expecting to lose a few players in the next year.

Bruma has a £4m release clause, Mensah £9m, Galatasaray have already offered £4m for Suat which I rejected. Can I hold onto Özer now he will be first choice this season.



I’ve decided to make him my number 1 now.

My tactics have evolved from the first season, it’s still the 4141 but last season I changed the CMs to B2B and it paid off, the DMd to DMs and DLFs to DLFa. I added the retain possession TI because we were needlessly giving the ball away too often.

Going into season 3 I’ve changed it again. I’ve flipped the tactic so the left side now has the FBa & IWa and right side has FBs & Wa. The DMs has gone back to DMd as the DLFa has changed to a CFs.

Thats all for this update.

Thanks for reading. For more up to date and more in-depth information join my slack channel #WelcomeToKasimpasa and feel free to RT this.





  • Daniel Gear

    Dan Gear is a vibrant member of the Football Manager (FM) community, renowned for his engaging content and insightful tutorials. He illuminates complex FM concepts on "View From The Touchline" and shares engaging narratives through his unique European Journeyman save reveals. Dan's collaborative spirit shines in partnerships with fellow creators like FM Stag, unraveling new FM features. He's a co-host of the engaging "Grass N Gear" podcast, making the FM experience more enjoyable for many. With a blend of humor, expertise, and a knack for community engagement, Dan Gear's contributions significantly enrich the Football Manager community, making him a cherished figure among enthusiasts.

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