Football Manager

Football Manager The Playbook

The Football Manager Playbook is finally here and we are pleased to announce the release of our first Football Manager book.  Titled – View From The Touchline Presents Cleon Hobson – The Football Manager Playbook Part 1.

Firstly, The Football Manager Playbook is the first of many we have planned over the next few months and years.

Football Manager
Football Manager The Playbook

Secondly, What is this book about? Well like I’ve said before hopefully this is the first of many I create. This is why I decided to start at the beginning and tackle the difficult subject of how to create a tactic. The book has 13 actual Football Manager chapters in it along with an intro and credits section.

Each chapter of the Football Manager book follows from the next and I felt it was important to tell the story that I wanted to tell. I don’t want to call this a guide as such because I believe it is more than that but essentially, I wanted to create something that felt like a step-by-step story/guide.

Thirdly, the book covers all the steps needed to translate your ideas into Football Manager and helps you create a tactic even if you perhaps don’t have an idea initially. I’m hoping over time that this becomes some kind of starting/reference point for people when creating a tactic on Football Manager.

Another thing that I am hoping for is that it makes people strip back to the basics in their thinking and allows them to play in complex ways by keeping it all simple. 

Furthermore, the key to that in my opinion is not overthinking stuff and if we use a player role, duty or any kind of tactical setting on Football Manager, you understand what it actually does. I want to try and give you meaning for why you select something and understand why something does or doesn’t work.

The Chapters in the book are as follows:

1. Intro
2. How you Want to Play – You need some kind of plan of action, in this chapter, we take a look at the very beginning of tactical creation as we look to create a starting point.
3. The Shape – Whatever shape you use, it will have strengths and weaknesses. This chapter is a few words about actually understanding the shape and what it means.
4. Playing Styles – After identifying the shape you will use it’s time to start focusing on the playing style you want to create. We delve into all the different playstyles, and the implications and try to understand the attribute side of the game too.
5. Understand the roles, duties and team instructions  – This topic covers how to bring all the roles, duties and instructions together to create the style of play we are wanting. Focusing on the different phases of play and talking about the impact all of this has on the tactic.
6. Mentality – In this section, we break down mentality and I give an insight into how I select what I’ll use. Less is more.
7. AM vs MC – I explain why I decided to go with central midfielders instead of attacking midfielders. I talk about the pros and cons of both variations and why I selected what I did.
8. Training The Eye – Lots of people struggle with knowing what to look out for when trying to find faults and issues with their systems. In this chapter, I try and break down how I focus on things and simplify the game for myself by developing a system to help with the identifying issues part.
9. Have Options – Games strategies! That’s basically what this section is. Whether it’s a tactical change, substitution, role change, settings change etc. We have it all covered in here.
10. Don’t panic – A chapter dedicated to understanding the context of what you actually see happening.
11. The Next Steps – Once you’ve got a tactic and playstyle, what you do next is covered under this section. I take a deep dive and talk you through what I do.
12. General Observations – Are the system/players/settings all playing/doing what you expected? Again I break it all down in this section as we put everything we learned in the other 11 chapters into motion.
13. Further Refining – I talk about how we can use other tools available in the game to help us with really honing down our tactics and playing style.
14. Piecing it all Together – The finished product can take a while to achieve and is something that can take seasons to perfect. In this section, I talk through all the settings, roles and instructions and give a real breakdown of how it all links together.
15. Credits
No matter how experienced you are in the game and confident in your own set-ups, I’m confident I’ll have given you some food for thought with the above throughout the book. As with everything though, remember this is just my way of playing the game and building tactics along with maintaining them. It isn’t a hard and fast rule.
If or whenever you download the Football Manager Playbook, by all means, leave feedback below. after reading it and let me know how it felt and if it flowed as well, as I’d hoped it would.
It is free of charge since I don’t believe anyone should charge for Football Manager content regardless of how much time and effort has been put into creating it (just my opinion). And it can be downloaded at the following link;

Football Manager Playbook PDF Version






Football Manager Epub Version

We tried to upload the book to all the popular stores like iBooks, Kindle etc but had some issues which still need sorting. But we do have an Epub version you can download it’s just you have to manually add it to your libraries. If you don’t know how to do that follow these two links;



To download the Epub version click the link below




I hope that you all enjoy the book as much as I did writing it.


  • Cleon

    Cleon is a distinguished figure in the Football Manager community, known for his tactical acumen and profound understanding of the game's intricacies. With a penchant for sharing knowledge, Cleon has authored "The Football Manager Playbook," offering a deep dive into crafting effective tactics. He's the brains behind the well-regarded blog "View From The Touchline," where he elucidates on football philosophies, game strategies, and more. Beyond the written word, Cleon engages with enthusiasts through social media, making complex football management concepts accessible to many.

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2 thoughts on “Football Manager Playbook Out Now!

    1. Probably not as the book was about creating a specific tacic and tactic creation in general and not the roles.

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