As shown on the previous blog the squad is in a mess 19 players, 14 of which are foreigners, 6 of the 19 are loanees. its not a good basis for a squad. So I’ve drawn up a recruitment and scouting plan.

Season 1-3

Turkey and surrounding nations, first thing is we need to ensure short term stability and “success” I also feel we need to increase the amount of Turkish nationals in the squad so for the first season Turkey will be the main focus and then the surrounding nations, Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, the Balkans & Eastern Europe possibly Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the “Stans”.

We will look at ages 26-32 mainly youngsters are nice but that is more for the long term. I want players that are first team ready I will build a scouting network and draw up lists for every position so we have players ready to replace Loanee’s and any potential sales.

The main priority is a new front 4 Mensah, Trezguet, Murillo and Rangel are all on loan and we will suffer if we don’t replace them.

Seasons 4-8

We will branch out to South America, Africa, Scandinavia and Asia. We will still be a small fish in the Footballing world then so we will still be buying players from the “lesser” nations but we will realign our targets to the 20-28 area as we will need first teamer’s and also players we can resale for a profit to reinvest in the club.

Seasons 9+

By now we will hopefully have had some success and be near to being the number 1 in Turkey and have a youth setup that is producing a few players and that with a few signings will grow our first team organically.
I don’t think its realistic to be expecting to be winning the Champions League etc within 10 seasons so our transfers should reflect that.



After reading “The European Game” it inspired me to think about how I will scout in FM18 I have come up with the plan.


I will send scouts out on assignments just for scout reports, if any come back with decent ones they will be shortlisted


once shortlisted I will then assign the same scout who IDENTIFIED the player to scout him for 3 months


If after the 3 month RESEARCH period the player is still looking a potential signing I will then send either my Chief Scout or Director of Football to watch them for 1 month

4) GUT

If a player has come through the previous 3 criteria phases I will then watch the Highlights packages, study his form maybe even watch him play. If I’m happy I will then sign him.

Some if not most will think this is overkill but my intention is to make this save realist, I will only be playing around 1 season a month and this will be my only FM18 save so I’m happy to invest the time. We don’t have a lot of money at Kasimpasa so we have to invest wisely.

The Black Box aka Excel Spreadsheet

My intention is to draw up an excel spreadsheet for potential signings for each position should we have a player leave. Ideally I would like 3 options for each position. This will take time to build up as in my test save we have no scouting staff to speak of.
The spreadsheet will need to be constantly up to date I’ll be watching players in case they move on and go above our budget they will be deleted and another potential signing added.

I’m thinking-

1) Main Target
2) Back up Target
3) Long Term Target



This concludes this post any questions or suggestions feel free Feel free to Retweet my twitter post and join my SLACK channel #WelcomeToKasimpasa for updates and regular discussions



  • Daniel Gear

    Dan Gear is a vibrant member of the Football Manager (FM) community, renowned for his engaging content and insightful tutorials. He illuminates complex FM concepts on "View From The Touchline" and shares engaging narratives through his unique European Journeyman save reveals. Dan's collaborative spirit shines in partnerships with fellow creators like FM Stag, unraveling new FM features. He's a co-host of the engaging "Grass N Gear" podcast, making the FM experience more enjoyable for many. With a blend of humor, expertise, and a knack for community engagement, Dan Gear's contributions significantly enrich the Football Manager community, making him a cherished figure among enthusiasts.

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0 thoughts on “Player Recruitment

  1. Is there special focus on the Turkish diaspora in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and some of the Scandinavian countries, like the real-life Turkish clubs do?

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